
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Right One

What's life without love? Not all of us may want a fairy tale romance, but we all want that one person - our person who we can call our own. Once you finish your education and enter into proffesional life,The one question which arises for you in the coming few years  is Marraige???? Initially it is not much but with time the situation goes more pressuring. We all try to make ourselves the best from being fit to looking attractive,wearing the right clothes at the right places so that we don't miss the chance of finding the right one.Most of us even stay in relationships but initially everything seems to be so colorful but as time passes most of people loose interest in the relationship. Only few stay together. Once you feel defeated, you start telling yourself that you should maybe just make peace with being forever alone, because no matter what you do, you won't find your one true love. But have you ever thought what went wrong??? Why this relationship failed??? Mo...

True Colours of life

Colours bring charm to eyes. Colours so beautiful in itself. Life should be full of colours,different colours representing different emotions in life....The more number of colour's you mix together the more brighter picture of life you recieve. Few Colours bring's a feeling of joy, happiness and excitement. Few others show the darker side of life. Every persons life's foundation should consist of white colour any colour u mix with it the more brighter picture u get. Emotions are also like different colours,different emotions representing different colours. Happiness,fun,excitement,forgiveness,love,values etc represent the brighter colours of life making a person with full of postive energy. As we grow we see different phases of life and they show us variety of colours of life some positive some negative but each colour building us even more stronger than the previous day and previous experiences and each colour of life adding values and memories to life which can neve...