
Memories-Treasures of our life. Precious,unforgettable,heartwarming,beautiful indeed.Memories keep yesterday alive.Present moment always becomes a precious memory.Memories are those treasurable parts of our lives which always brings a smile on our face.No one ever thinks which moment can become a cherish able memory,sometimes when you sit alone with a cup of coffee embracing the beautiful nature recalling your memories,you always end up opening your eyes with a smile and a kind of happiness,joy in your heart...overwhelming indeed.... Life is too short,so make the best days,cherish them into beautiful,unforgettable memories and keep smiling always.Life is like a flower and memories are the fragrance of those flowers which keeps spreading keeps you alive all throughout.Good times come and go but memories last forever.Life brings tears,smiles,and memories.The tears dry,the smiles fade,but the memories last forever. As we grow up we meet lot of people and with time few remain ...