
Memories-Treasures of our life.
Precious,unforgettable,heartwarming,beautiful indeed.Memories keep yesterday alive.Present moment always becomes a precious memory.Memories are those treasurable parts of our lives which always brings a smile on our face.No one ever thinks which moment can become a cherish able memory,sometimes when you sit alone with a cup of coffee embracing the beautiful nature recalling your memories,you always end up opening your eyes with a smile and a kind of happiness,joy in your heart...overwhelming indeed....
Life is too short,so make the best days,cherish them into beautiful,unforgettable memories and keep smiling always.Life is like a flower and memories are the fragrance of those flowers which keeps spreading keeps  you alive all throughout.Good times come and go but memories last forever.Life brings tears,smiles,and memories.The tears dry,the smiles fade,but the memories last forever.
As we grow up we meet lot of people and with time few remain and few move from our life leaving behind the sweet memories.Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.Some memories can never be recreated.The most important part of memory is  emotion or emotions it brings.A perfume reminds you of a person very close to you in the past.Photographs are the best way to keep memories alive.Most of the memories we have of our childhood come from photography,and the same happens with moments that have made us enjoy throughout our youth and adulthood that,although percieved as important at the time,they tend to get blurry.
Do you remember all the barbecues with your friends?every exam you have passed?everyday in the park with your children? when you are away from the family and you miss your moms  food.Your siblings with whom you have spent most time of your life...Those unnecessary and funny fights with your sisters,Hiding the secrets from your parents and what not.... As we grow up we start building our lives and moving away from family and friends with only those memories left with in us.....Yes!Try recalling .....It gives a different feeling..... isn't it?????
Stop making bad memories or remembering the bad things which life  has given you.Start enjoying life which you have got for once.
Capture your present moments and preserve them for the future memories.Wake up everyday with a smile and spread the same smile to the people you meet and make the best memories.


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