Life is precious and relationships are even more precious. As we enter this world we come alone but with time we enter into many beautiful relationships such as brother,sister,parents together making a family.

No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished??

Every family has some issues and it is common but it depends on the individual how  you take it.
Partiality - This word sounds so negative and has a negative impact. Partiality is so common in every family, in some people differentiate between a girl n a boy child just because of the thought that a boy in the family will bring name and fame, where as a girl child has to go to the other family. But the child who experience s this feeling of being partially treated suffers so much from with in and dies from with in.

Intially it feels like hell to the child but with time the child learns to become strong, independent and carefree. By being partial parents are not loosing the child instead the child is building himself /herself. It is actually a strong foundation where the child doesn't get emotionally weak for the further situations in future. The child learns what he/she suffered won't be suffered by their own child.

Not being the favorite child doesn't  mean you are unimportant, believe in yourself and achieve your goals .

Being genetically related doesn't make your family. Love, trust, support, sacrifice, honesty, protection, acceptance, security, compromise,gratitude,respect and loyalty is what makes your family.


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