
How many of us have expectations in life?????  I guess almost everyone.
We all have expectations from ourselves, family, friends etc. In any situation we can't just stop expecting. But then have you ever thought how much you have fulfilled others expectations...If not take few minutes and give it a thought.
I myself had expectations from many people in my life from my family, my friends etc In fact at one point I had so many expectations that I totally became a negative person when all those were never fulfilled with only one thing left other than disappointment.At that stage one of my friend told me that the only reason for your disappointment is you expect a way too much from everyone.Then I finally realised how true it was and tried to overcome this and the difference I had for my life before and now has changed me so much.Now my perception towards life has totally changed. It doesn't mean I don't have expectations in life.... I do have expectations but the only ones I feel could be fulfilled. I know most of us would have gone through this stage.
"Expectations can't be your cup of tea if happiness is your cup of tea "
Many of us have laid out our happiness on the external things because we think the way it could make us feel. Some wants skinner body because that would make them feel happy, Some wants a highly paid job because they think that would make them feel fulfilled,good husband,secure life etc but then this things can distract us from looking within ourselves for answers.When this expectations fail you internally feel disappointed and angry and you just move-in a different track. But have you ever thought how much have I fulfilled others expectation s. Before expecting love from someone have you ever thought how much love have you given,Before expecting time have you thought how much time you have given.Many other situations wherein u have stopped accepting what you get and expecting more. The more you expect the more unhappy you would be.
"When you release your expectations you are free to enjoy things for what they are
instead of what you think they should be"
A life full of expectations is a life full of negative feelings,disaapintments,failure s etc where as A life full of acceptance is full of positive feelings like joy, care, forgiveness. Why give your happiness in some one else's hands and get dissapointed choose your happiness and be happy. The less you expect you will be happier with the tiniest things and the more you expect the greatest thing or commodity can't equalise to that happiness.
You never know what life has in the next second for yourself so stop overloading yourself from expectations  others have from you and expecting from others and start living a life with acceptance.
Peace begins when expectations end.
Stop expecting,start accepting and learn in giving.


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