Time or Money

Time or Money? Such a big dilemma, isn’t it
Every day we make decisions about should we choose money over time or time over money. Probably and practically people give priority to money over time may be due to circumstances allowing them to do so. Through lot of surveys it is prov en that people who choose money over time are more financially constrained and therefore less happy.

Yes, money is an important key factor but time is a precious key factor.
 Time is priceless Once the time flies it never comes back again. But why always listen to your brain, feel your heartbeat. “Time can’t be quantified but the value of money can be quantified easily”.
I know with time people have adopted themselves so that they can earn most of the money so that you have a secure life but while accomplishing this task you move away from your near and dear ones and hence miss out the precious time with them. 

There are even families wherein members off the same family don’t even have timefor a single meal together. But don’t such people feel that they should find some time from their busy scheduled and have some meaningless funny conversations with each other have fun , laugh and feel the real happiness and  cherish the special bond they have for each other and feel what were they missing out actually. By doing so actually you are valuing your time over money.Why are you in search of gems when you are really having them in your life.

Who knows by valuing time you may meet up with  the newer you with so many talents which were hidden rather than doing the same work to meet up money. 
So just free yourself from the burden of making money and find sometime for yourself in exploring your passion. Do what you enjoy the most if not all the time but spare sometime at least. If you really want to value your money and time,go to some NGO’S and Orphanages get them something useful spend some time with them this would be your actual utilisation and valuing of your money and time. Try making time as your priority rather than money to enjoy to your fullest.

“Quantify money as a minor priority to improve your quality of life”                                                      “Time is Money”
“Time is an ambiguous currency"


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