
Life is a mixture of success and failure s. There are times when you continuously fail after working so hard due to your weakness.

Of course no one enjoys feeling weak. Most of us try to hide it thinking people in and around might get a chance to make fun of it. And the most silliest thing we do in any interviews when asked about our weaknesses is we try to put them as our strength's.

Sometimes we try to overcome our weaknesses by trying hard so that it never remains weakness. But for a change have you ever thougt of laughing at your own weakness before any one else could laugh at it.... Of course most of us would have felt very bad and would have got frustrated when others made fun of you,point out on your weakness.

Try laughing at your own failure's, make fun of your mistakes. Sit with the people who used to make fun of yours and start making fun of yourself, I know this might sound weird, but just try once at the end if it results will be in your favor. It ll put an end to your frustration. By doing this you are taking the power from the people who laughed at you into your own hands.

Now yes those people will think you are out of your mind but with this they will understand that they cannot irritate you anymore or bother you anymore. Doesn't this make a difference in your life.... Ofcouse it ll...

Stop fearing from your weakness and start enjoying your weakness to live life to the fullest. With time if you keep practicing this no fear will remain in yourself. Once you can laugh at your weakness,you can move forward.

Jeena hai toh khulke jiyo aur khud pe haso.Pakki baat hai bada maaza aayega.


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