Family -This word just completes us. Family where life begins and live never ends. Family is just the best part of almost everyone s life where we love, share, play, laugh, fight and live. Family is like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one. No matter however bad day we have had at the end of it when you are with family you just forget everything, God's special and best creation indeed.

The one who gets the love of a family gets the greatest blessing. I know with time the definition of family has changed, but then in whatever way the definition change s family is always a family.  No matter how many ever difference s you have when you are with your siblings, parents you just cherish those beautiful time together.
We face so many up's and down's in our life, most of them stay away from family,but then whenever you feel low or when you are stuck somewhere in life it's only the family who's there for you. Family has different definitions it's not only about siblings or parents,  friends are like our second family we can enjoy so much, fearlessly share every bit of us, pull each others leg and what not. For the ones who stay away from family friends make sure they complete it. Having somewhere to go is a home, having someone to love is a family, having both is a blessing.

Family is not just starting point(birth) and ending  point (death) .... It's a journey between  these two  points with the people called family. Family is a circle of strength and love, founded on faith.... Joined by love... Kept by god together  forever. But then eventually with time there grows lot of misunderstanding s and difference s in almost every family and is so common,because it can't be heaven all the time and end of it people part from each other and stop communicating,family become s dysfunctional, but at that point just try cutting your ego to save your relationships. 

A single moment of misunderstanding is so poisonous, that makes us forget the hundred moments spent together within a minute. So when such things happen just calm yourself  think about the memories and beautiful time spent together and then react.

Life is unpredictable, you never know what's gonna be tommorow but today, this moment it's all yours so make the most of it for your family,friends ..... Share the love you have.  Sometimes try forgetting and learn in forgiving. There are lot of people who don't have family so try giving them your love, time and enjoy with them,that happiness is d real one indeed.....
Make your life meaningful while you are living


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