Failure - It is one of the most dangerous word we all fear of. In this competitive world failure is d most dangerous and common thing which most of us have been through at any and many stages of our life. Fear of failure is so much in people that sometimes to just protect themselves from this they take wrong measures.

But why should some one fear of failure why can't we just take it in a positive way. When u know at some point you have to face this why can't u just make up your mind accordingly. Actual meaning of failure is learning a new lesson. Actual failure is when u stop trying. I know it's hard to start again after failing but it's not  harder enough  it's only that you need to be prepared. Most of us when we were kids we had so many hobbies like cycling but while learning it you fall so many times but still you get up and start again you know why because you have a passion to learn it at any cost. Just take the up s n down s of life also d same way and keep trying just think ki yes I ll and I ll make it.

"Failure is a part of your life don't make it your life". Actual failure is when we stop trying and think it as hard luck it's not about your luck it's that ki it is something far far way beyond your luck. Why rest yourself on luck. Everytime you fail or you face a series of failure you are actually stepping forward towards your success. Be it through different types of failure at any point in your life until you try you will and you can. Some of the great personality s like Shri Amitabh Bacchan sir he is such a big example of still trying when before his first hit his 17films were Flop. Sachin Tendulkar sir and many more. They all had one thing in common they never stopped and kept on trying. No great success was ever achieved without failure.

Life also has so many failures but it's only on us how we take it.  Little courage and with some hope keep trying until you succeed the more number of times you fail the more you will learn.
"Failure is the ladder to success"
"Koshish Karne waale ki Kabhi haar Nahi hoti"

So keep trying,keep learning,experience your failures with a smile and step towards your success.


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