
True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island... to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.
As Friendship Day is nearing I was just thinking about all the best people I hv met from my childhood  days and from the time . With time names changed people changed but the meaning of "Friendship" remains the same and with every growing step of life you all made my life full of happiness.Friends are the most valuable antiques.Friends are those who give us hope in our tough time when even our family is not supportive. Friends are those who can enjoy every bit of thing about u. I hv realized what friendship means and thought of giving them a title for being the best people in my life and making my life a bit easier in different  stages  of life.
Keerthi:My cycling partner.
Poonamkumari:My silence partner.
Poornima:My story listening partner.
Chethan:My funniest and bestest partner.
Mohan:My silence partner again.
Shruthi and gang:My mastiwale partner.
Sangeetha:My sister and my life ki pyaari and jagdalu partner.
Darshan:My happiness partner.
Liza:My pyaari and gussewali partner.
Sweety:My always yaad rahnewali partner.
Gandhii :My funny partner.
Deekshu:My cutest sister and story teller partner.
Dallu:My hamesha baat manwaneewali partner.
Thank u all for being such special part of my life and my many other friends whose names are not present here but u all are always in my heart.
Life simplifies itself when it has friends in it.


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