
Life -A four letter word but has so many hidden meaning's with in. The outer world looks so beautiful and in the same way even the people look from outer way, but as time passes the more u look into some person u realise their real meaning.

Everyone have lot of people around whom we call friends,relatives etc. But there are few people who just pass by our life, the way wind blows suddenly and gives a special feeling. There are few such people in everyone's life who stay for shorter duration but yet make themselves so valuable. Though they are not present with us always,even their name or thought just brings smile on our face, because of the way they made us feel -special indeed.

Life is like a beautiful book and they are those special pages of the books which when comes in front we don't feel like turning the page. They teach us the real way of living life. That's why even though we don't meet them often we have that connectivity....

"They are the real treasures of life"


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