
Addiction -This word sounds different for each and every individual. For some it is serious and for some it's not much.
Addiction is not simply a weakness, it does not mean someone is bad person.People from all backwards (poor/rich) can get an addiction.Addiction can happen to anyone and at any age, but the chance s are higher when a person starts drug use when they're young.

I was going through a video Where in a 13 year old boy ran away from his house, parents and came to another city and got addicted to drugs. He is so badly addicted to drugs that most of the portion of his earnings goes to drugs and hardly some for his food. When asked him about going back to family he completely denied saying he won't be allowed to take drugs if he goes back and so he doesn't want to. A 13 year old boy is putting himself towards darkness without realizing that he would die if he doesn't stop.It is not only about this boy but there are lot of other people from different ages who are putting themselves into this darkness without realizing the destruction they would cause to themselves, their families and friends.

Addiction does not only reffer to drugs,it could be many other things like alcohol, taking painkiller s for pain etc.The process eventually grow s and the consumption increase s gradually.

There are people who tend to put themselves into drugs when they want to escape reality, due to family issues, due to failure s in life and many other factors. As a family member it is our duty to look into if there is any behavioural change in the family members, take an initiative talk to them get them out of tough situation s before they stepping themselves into drugs.

In India there are families where in whatever they earn they spend the entire money on alcohol and later their families suffer without food, education etc and complain about not having a good life without thinking if they would not spend that money into alchol and save it they could give a bright future to their kids and even their family would progress.

Government and lot of other organizations are doing so many things, organising so many programs, rehab center to bring such people out of their addiction. But then untill and unless he/she decides to recover no one could do anything about it. When few people take up recovering, it is their family and friends duty to step in and help them recover,motivate them. Once they recover the family gets bonded and healed and gets united with every new day.

"Addiction is a response to living a life that lacks personal meaning "
Addiction is a slow poison, it could not only effect the individual but also the family connected.
The truth most families eventually discover is that no one can cure another person's addiction, only addicts can do that for themselves.

"Addiction  is the only prison where the locks are on the inside "
You don't get over an addiction by stopping using, you recover by creating a new life where it is easier to not use.If you don't create a new life, then all factors that brought you to your addiction will catch up with you again.


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