True essence of life

True essence of life is the inner happiness. I believe true happiness is in loving, caring, sharing. We are living in a society where in we have competition in all sort of things be it from studies to being it to achieving something big in our life. But in this we build ourselves with lot of negative emotions such as jealousy, anger etc....
Why can't we start being a part of others happiness and build up ourselves into a positive  person rather than believing in competition and experiencing a negative emotion.In doing this may be they could also be a part of ours and may be you would win one more person in your life.
The true essence of life is not being perfect or trying to impress others or achieving everything in life. The real essence is in enjoying with people around playing with them, falling and learning from your mistakes.
"Start  feeling rather than thinking"
If u succeed in bringing a smile on someone s face that is the true essence of your life.
"Stop Expecting, Start Accepting and learn in Giving"
By doing this you will achieve the real you.
Making someone happy doesn't mean gifting them something or taking them out that is temporary happiness. Do small things every day for someone whom you love and feel the real essence with every new step of your life.
Instead of thinking someone as a competitor,slightly change your opinion and think what s the new thing you can learn from them.By doing this you will succeed in life with real happiness
"Multiply your positive emotions and Subtract your negative emotions to enjoy the true essence of life"


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